Read Before Adopting

This day has absolutely not gone as I had planned – had to replace a phone, took forever, and had an unplanned trip to the vet with Riley B. After wrapping up the barn chores for the day, Riley and I walked to the house ready to grab a snack and relax for the night.  UHHHHH Nope. Riley’s eyes looked really red and droopy and he just wasn’t acting right — lethargic, felt warm  – so off we go to Bluegrass Veterinary  –  vitals were all good, and vet really wasn’t sure, other than allergies or Riley got into something at the barn that may have been a little toxic for him. Anyway after 2 shots – Benadryl and Cerenia,  we left the vet and came back home. Riley seems ok, still just acts like he doesn’t feel great. But this all reminded me of a post I have seen several times lately (and it is still raining hounds on the rescue front)  so thought I would share it.


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Just a Dog

As I waded through my facebook posts today, I came across this post.  I have seen this before but today it just kind of resonated with me more than usual. I love coonhounds, so of course get a lot of appeals and posts that involve rescue dogs.  Seems that it is just raining hounds and as I looked at hound after hound after hound, some in foster situations, some urgent and running out of time at kill shelters, some injured, some weak with hunger,  and on and on.   Just when I was ready to put my phone away for the day so not to see one more sad post, I saw this “Just A Dog” post and I want to share it with you.   Love your hounds every day- because there is NO SUCH THING as “Just A Dog”.    



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Coonie Comrades/Petunia

When I noticed this coonhound on Instagram, I immediately wanted to find out more. I wanted to hear the story. Her rescuer’s girlfriend shared the details with me, and I thought a story so heartwarming should be shared on the blog.
                                                                                                                     Sweet Petunia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Petunia is a one year old blue tick coonhound, rescued from a kill shelter in South Carolina. Petunia and all of her ten siblings were shot and she was the only survivor. She has scoliosis so it is believed that all of her siblings had some sort of issue as well. The bullet that shot Petunia is still lodged in her spine and doctors felt that surgery could cause further damage. She was rescued by St Hubert’s in New Jersey.  
                                                                                                                     Beautiful girl !                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Enter her rescuer, who started randomly looking for a puppy in March of this year, after his sons witnessed their own puppy get run over and killed by a reckless driver.  The puppy they lost was similar in looks to Petunia, so he decided it was meant to be. The fact that Petunia came with some “complications” did not deter him, even though he had never dealt with a handicapped pet before, he decided everyone and every dog  deserves a chance. Petunia has been living with her family since April of this year with her three human brothers, one dog brother and two cat sisters, plus her awesome Dad and proud Aunt.                                                                                                                      
                                                        I look awesome in red !!!

Petunia loves to zoom around in her wheelchair and play tug of war with all of her two and four legged family (uhhh minus the cats) She reports that her owner is amazing with her. “He has a gentle but firm way with her. He doesn’t treat her like she “can’t”, reports her proud Aunt.  “He wants her to explore and try new things.” She is now able to “stand” on her back legs and walk a few feet. Petunia is showered with love and affection from everyone and loves everyone back in return. The family handles the paralysis together.  Petunia has to wear diapers and everyone in the family is now expert at changing them. Petunia is pretty much treated like a normal pup. She has a daily routine, which includes play time, wheel time and rest time.

                                                            OK What’s next ??

Petunia is truly a gem.  And like most dogs her love knows no bounds and she does not see herself as “handicapped”.  This family has embraced her and accepted her with truly inspiring  love, kindness and courage.  Obviously Petunia has found her perfect family. I am truly honored to share her story !!  


                                             Miss Cutie Petunia




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Coonie Comrades/Petunia’s Journey

Petunia !!! Love the name and love the hound. 

This sweet hound has quite a story, and her owner’s girlfriend has graciously agreed to let me share it with all of you.  Petunia as well as her ten siblings was shot. She is the only survivor.  From this sad beginning comes a story of hope and love.  

               The Awesome and Amazing Cutie Petunia                                                                                                                         **          More to follow

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Happy Hounding

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Reposted from via #lifewithmyrescuedcoonhound  

Love to all my rescue friends, the ones I know now and the

ones I have yet to meet !!

And of course LOVE to their super houndies as well !!


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Coonie Candids/ Tongue Out Tuesday

Here’s  to “Tongue out Tuesday”!!!  I was looking back through some of Riley B’s photos and realized I could do a totally terrific tongue out Tuesday!!!!

SOOOOO Houndie fans  —  Here we go !!!

Where we going ? – don’t care IN the car! YAY !!  Where we going?
Hot Day at the Dog Park


Tuesday Cruisin’ Coonie !!


Ok Waiting here! Waiting!


UH OH !!
That was not MY snack ?

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Coonhound Codebook

In order to secure a full tactical advantage for optimum bed position with the human or humans inhabiting said  bed space,  it is of the utmost importance to maneuver into a deceptively tight coonie curl, gradually unfurling into full out bed “take over” position as unsuspecting humans sleep.

Coonhound revised codebook  3412.10  (b) (11)

Deceptive coonie  curls illustrated below

Assume the position– tail out


Boon’s nose over back model
Clooney modeling the tight
coonie curl
  The Jeb Leonard curlie Q
Copper coonie curl










And as the evening progresses  behold “the unfurling”

Been hounding all day – must rest !
Molly in full out coma sleep!
Hit the snooze again will ya ?




No I am not going to stretch out  why ?

Thanks to  Lucy, Clooney, Riley B, Jeb, Molly, Boon and Copper.

#hound dog power sleep

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Loungin’ Hounds

I must admit that the last few days I have been “off my game.” Don’t know if it is the heat, the extra work with moving my two horses close to my house and doing all the work involved myself now, an “unwanted and unplanned” job search (long story) – whatever it is, my apologies.
SOOO without further ado in honor of getting “back on track”  with my blog posts – I am dedicating this post to the lounging habits of coonhounds.  The masters of pretzel poses, full out exposure, coma sleep, and many many more !! I do not believe there is any animal on this planet that lounges like a coonhound.
Exhausted hound



Cute Copper snooze


Snooze interrupted! It cannot be Monday !


Sweet Riley B
Dreaming of treats !


Dixie with her snuggly


Full out loungin’



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Hound About Town Update

Must write an addendum to our hound about town day – I forgot to include that Riley B serenaded half of Lexington on the way to my hair cut appointment. He entertained with hound song ALL the way and I mean the WHOLE way — I don’t know if we reached noise pollution level but we had to be close !! LOL

Driving Riley B






Are you SURE I was THAT loud ??

                                                                                                                       OK FINE!


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Hound About Town

Quite the adventure with Riley B yesterday. I decided to try some new experiences. Sooo he came with me to the salon  to watch me get a hair cut. It was not a busy time so thought it would be ok. Riley was a star !! He waited patiently right by the chair or looked out the window, and only went to visit another area when provoked ! I mean what dog can resist “OHHHH what a cute dog!  OH sweetie come over here ! OH look how cute he is!”   I mean REALLY ??
OK Mom, Looks good! Let’s GO !

And then ? On to the fabulous Bluegrass Barkery.  What an awesome store.  Riley and I cannot say enough good things about it. Always super clean, staff is so helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.  We love it! The biggest problem is deciding on which treats to purchase there are SO many choices. Riley B is still an “Acana” man — They are his favorite.

Happy dogs found here !!



It’s a cookie takeover!!


Snoofer activated and on high alert !!  SOOOOOO many choices!

Be sure to visit Bluegrass Barkery —  two locations in Lexington  — or

Or as Riley B says   “HOUND HEAVEN”  sniff tested, coonhound approved !




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