Feeling discouraged today  – –  ever felt like you are peddling as hard as you can but getting nowhere?? (the hamster on the wheel image comes to mind)  Trying to make connections – learn – add info – post “stuff” — just so daunting  — AAARRRGGHHH !!!!  This is how I feel   (see mopey coonhound below)

Temporarily Disheartened

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Healing Hound !!

I can’t explain it  but I know it is so true –   dogs make everything better,  happier, kinder  — not having the best day – some “gray area” items that are not resolved and driving me crazy – sooooo I look to Dr Riley B –  he has been waiting patiently to go for a walk   —  I have been moping around  ! LOL

He makes me smile when I really don’t feel like it  !!!
Who cannot smile and feel better when they see this houndie ??

Waiting by your shoes Mom.


I jacked up the cuteness factor — can we go now ??

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