Another dreaded sweltering day in the South — Just the perfect time to share more of the hilarious photos from some of my coonhound comrades! Thanks ladies for sharing Sally, Shawn, and Kaiser with us ! And of course I had to include my own boy Riley B!
Whew – long hot day =- one of my former students called and alerted me to a “Fido Fest” happening on the other side of town. Riley B and I packed it up and headed on over there. Got to say I was a little apprehensive not knowing how many dogs would be there and what the lay out would be . Riley B was WAAAYY excited when he spied the other dogs. Immediate thought ?? What have I done ??? HOWEVER, I have to say I was very pleased with him. Yes he got excited and yes he wanted to greet ALL the other dogs and YES he was distracted at times, but for the most part he listened to me and did not get crazy obnoxious. I am placing this trip in the success column ! Woot Woot !!
Look both ways !
Waiting to cross !
Come on in ! NO one has “peed in the pool”FOCUSED!!!Where is the dog treat store ?
Hey !!!!! Who are you ?
A reminder to me that if I never try different challenges with him I will never know how he will react.
A very long day in the trenches- Not happy that I had “adult responsibility” items to check off my list today — so no long walk 🙁 Riley is chill but I still hate to miss it. Ever the resourceful fellow, (and most coonhounds are VERY resourceful) he substituted with a rousing game of “bark at the horses” next door, run up and down the fence with the neighbor’s dog and zoom around the house with wild abandon. Now he is out.
Quick post – long day !! Had a fun outing with my high school girlfriends, and Riley got to go to Happy Spot – Jennifer caught Riley B in action – ruling the roost, hanging out in the office and having a happy houndie good ole time !! Silly hound !!
Treat ?? Do you have a treat?I mean really ? The houndie smile melts my heart!!
WHAT ??? Are you crazy ??? You can’t take a COONHOUND to the dog park ! Oh yes you can — Coonhounds are notoriously friendly — they are bred to work in groups right?? Once again Riley is a super star. We made new friends – two German Shepherds and a Beagle mix , ran, played, bayed arrrooooo and got soaking wet – (caught in a rain shower) Ever the adaptable hound, Riley was a star !!
And the ride to the dog park ?? Well just look at this cruising coonhound == can you say #hounddoghappy??
This is the beginning of my first blog journey !!! I am thanking you in advance for your patience!! Accompanying me on this journey is my awesome coonhound –Riley B (after all he is the reason for the blog) Much more to come – but this is the check to make sure I am reaching the world aka all of YOU!