“All trees that could possibly contain small woodland creatures will be viewed upwardly for a prolonged amount of time.”
Coonhound revised code 3411.04 (b) (4)


                                                   I know that squirrel is up there !!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        #hounddogcodebook2

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Holidays – Work – Stress – Weather = Blah Blah Blah  – Quick post to celebrate being back — AND the adoption of my latest foster with Gentle Jake’s Coonhound rescue! The adorable Hook is going to Ontario — Hook the Canook !!!!!   As I have said before — if you are not in a position to adopt – try transport, foster, volunteer at a local shelter or rescue — it does not take much  and what you take away is beyond measure.   A couple of quick photos of the adorable Hook – and something I saw on facebook this morning that I had to share ! 
Sitting pretty for my cookie !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         











Everyone quiet !! This is my favorite TV show !!                                                                                                                                                                                                     #hounddogrescued                 

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The “OTHER” other side of rescue !!

Just on a roll about rescue hounds, fostering and transport. Over the last few weeks I have transported or picked up some of the nicest, sweetest and  beautiful hounds I have ever seen. It makes my heart so glad to know that I am part of  their future happiness with a furever family.   If you don’t feel like you can adopt or foster a dog, please consider transport as an option. Usually it is about 3 hours of time, meeting someone, transferring the dog or dogs into your vehicle,  driving to the next meeting spot, and handing the dog to the next leg of the transport. And THAT IS IT!! Such a small commitment time wise and otherwise yet you are saving a life.  Meet Rosie, Grayson, Pink, and Maverick.  All four of these dogs were in shelters or fosters, hoping and waiting  for homes. Some were urgent and in danger of being euthanized.  All helped and sponsored  by Gentle Jake’s Coonhound Rescue, an organization that works tirelessly to save coonhounds and hound mixes. Rosie is on her way to a home in Wisconsin,  Pink, after being fostered in Alabama and Kentucky on her way to her new home in Grand Rapids Michigan, Grayson  and Maverick are being fostered in Kentucky, are now with their forever families in Ontario.  Look at these precious babies, and consider contacting a transport coordinator. I will be happy to hook you up !! Just let me know where you live !!




OK Let’s go !!


Bundled up and ready to head North
Pink on route with transport driver Lois







                                                             Foster Grayson (on right) playing with my RileyB

Do you need a close up?
Foster hunk Grayson


Foster puppy Maverick
Livin’ large  and lovin’ life !!!!!! Cute foster puppy Maverick



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Happy Hounding! Coonie Candids!

Rainy Monday —  motivation? in the little to none range  — Need a couple of coonie candids to perk me up !!!
You said Dairy Queen right ??!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Hug me !!! I said NO !!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Rollin’ in the grass, it’s a gas ! Baby can you dig it ??                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      #hounddoghappy

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Happy Hounding Friday Feeling !!

“Feelin’ that Friday vibe !!!!!

Brad Rice’s black and tan coonhound Colt announcing the weekend  !

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GOOOOOO Colt !!! We feel ya !                                                                       #hounddogfeelintheweekend

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Read Before Adopting

This day has absolutely not gone as I had planned – had to replace a phone, took forever, and had an unplanned trip to the vet with Riley B. After wrapping up the barn chores for the day, Riley and I walked to the house ready to grab a snack and relax for the night.  UHHHHH Nope. Riley’s eyes looked really red and droopy and he just wasn’t acting right — lethargic, felt warm  – so off we go to Bluegrass Veterinary  –  vitals were all good, and vet really wasn’t sure, other than allergies or Riley got into something at the barn that may have been a little toxic for him. Anyway after 2 shots – Benadryl and Cerenia,  we left the vet and came back home. Riley seems ok, still just acts like he doesn’t feel great. But this all reminded me of a post I have seen several times lately (and it is still raining hounds on the rescue front)  so thought I would share it.


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Just a Dog

As I waded through my facebook posts today, I came across this post.  I have seen this before but today it just kind of resonated with me more than usual. I love coonhounds, so of course get a lot of appeals and posts that involve rescue dogs.  Seems that it is just raining hounds and as I looked at hound after hound after hound, some in foster situations, some urgent and running out of time at kill shelters, some injured, some weak with hunger,  and on and on.   Just when I was ready to put my phone away for the day so not to see one more sad post, I saw this “Just A Dog” post and I want to share it with you.   Love your hounds every day- because there is NO SUCH THING as “Just A Dog”.    



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Happy Hounding

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Reposted from via #lifewithmyrescuedcoonhound  

Love to all my rescue friends, the ones I know now and the

ones I have yet to meet !!

And of course LOVE to their super houndies as well !!


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Loungin’ Hounds

I must admit that the last few days I have been “off my game.” Don’t know if it is the heat, the extra work with moving my two horses close to my house and doing all the work involved myself now, an “unwanted and unplanned” job search (long story) – whatever it is, my apologies.
SOOO without further ado in honor of getting “back on track”  with my blog posts – I am dedicating this post to the lounging habits of coonhounds.  The masters of pretzel poses, full out exposure, coma sleep, and many many more !! I do not believe there is any animal on this planet that lounges like a coonhound.
Exhausted hound



Cute Copper snooze


Snooze interrupted! It cannot be Monday !


Sweet Riley B
Dreaming of treats !


Dixie with her snuggly


Full out loungin’



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Hound About Town Update

Must write an addendum to our hound about town day – I forgot to include that Riley B serenaded half of Lexington on the way to my hair cut appointment. He entertained with hound song ALL the way and I mean the WHOLE way — I don’t know if we reached noise pollution level but we had to be close !! LOL

Driving Riley B






Are you SURE I was THAT loud ??

                                                                                                                       OK FINE!


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