My goal is attention, awareness, education and support ! And I am excited to take you on this journey with me and my precous coonhound — Smiley Riley B
Happy Hounding Starts HERE !!
My goal is attention, awareness, education and support ! And I am excited to take you on this journey with me and my precous coonhound — Smiley Riley B
Riley is so cute and lucky to have you as his mom!
Thanks !! Once I get the hang of this I think it is going to be fun !! Riley is just happy to be along for the ride ! LOL
This is so cool!
THANK YOU !!!! Stay tuned — lots more to come !!
Blog looks great……gonna be fun keeping up with your & Riley B’s antics on here.
Thanks Vickie I plan to be very busy posting our summer antics !!! Please check often ! and follow !!
Riley B is adorable! I love hounds! ❤ I don’t know 💩 about blogs or websites. 😢
Thanks Ellen!! My goal is to grow large enough to get sponsors and $$ to help rescue more houndies !! I have so many ideas — and I know you are a fabulous fund raiser — I would love to get big enough to HIRE you to just take care of that part for me !!! Dream big right ???