This day has absolutely not gone as I had planned – had to replace a phone, took forever, and had an unplanned trip to the vet with Riley B. After wrapping up the barn chores for the day, Riley and I walked to the house ready to grab a snack and relax for the night. UHHHHH Nope. Riley’s eyes looked really red and droopy and he just wasn’t acting right — lethargic, felt warm – so off we go to Bluegrass Veterinary – vitals were all good, and vet really wasn’t sure, other than allergies or Riley got into something at the barn that may have been a little toxic for him. Anyway after 2 shots – Benadryl and Cerenia, we left the vet and came back home. Riley seems ok, still just acts like he doesn’t feel great. But this all reminded me of a post I have seen several times lately (and it is still raining hounds on the rescue front) so thought I would share it.