Talk to the Hound

Thank you Joel Williams for allowing me to share your beautiful story !!
Look at those tears. TWO hours from euthanasia.



This sweet girl, with tears in her eyes, was two hours away from her final walk when a friend, Candace Engel, pulled her.   (Gives me chills)


Thank you for saving me says Candy ! But who saved who ??  
Gorgeous girl !

Joel’s “spoiled rotten hound”, Princess Candy.

Joel says,  “The rest is history”,  as you can see. Would not trade her for anything in the world. She will never worry again.

Joel shared that he was not in the best of places himself when he found Candy —  but someone had a feeling and someone took a chance and a beautiful friendship happened.  Look at them now !!!!   Nothing short of MAGICAL !!!!  Welcome to the “family” Joel and Candy.


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